She has really learned a lot this month. She babbles all the time and says Da Da Da alot. She dances to every beat she hears and sometimes dances the Laos way by twisting her hand around. She can still wave bye bye when she feels like it. She can walk with holding one of my hands. She is walking all around the couch and crawling straight towards the stairs every chance she gets. At 8 months and 3 weeks she took 3 steps on her own and didn't even realize she was not holding anything. From time to time she will dare herself and stand on her own. For the most part she'd rather crawl and she is zooming from one please to another. She puts everything in her mouth. She is still in love with ribbons and tags. It taste delicious to her. She understands when I tell her "NO" and "ah uh" and she will stop but then do it again. If I say "No no no" a few more times she gives up and goes on to the next thing she can put in her mouth.
Her first tooth came right at her 8th month. She can pick up bread crumbs and lil snacks and put it in her mouth very well. She can drink 8 oz of milk!! She absolutely loves it when I make rice soup!!! If she really likes what she's eating she will do a lil dance and shake her head for you. She also loves it when her daddy sings to her. She will sit and gaze at her daddy.
Check out the videos and you will see some of the things she does now!!!