Ouch I hurt my head

Listening to her talk is music to my ears...

FUN IN THE SUN - Galveston San Luis Pass

August 22, 2010 We all went to the beach and enjoyed every bit of it with our wonderful family. I wanted to take them to Schlitterbahn however we thought the beach was much better for Maybella and Mataio really wanted to build sand castles. A great way to end our summer vacation!! This part of Galveston was nice, although the water still looks like MUD, but the sand was soft and clean. Impressive for Galveston.

Story Time

Mataio and Maybella love bed time stories. They each grab their own story book and read it to themselves sometimes. Maybella is pretending to read. Mataio is a great reader at 6 years old. He sometimes reads to his little sister. They truely enjoy reading.
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Maybella at 15 months

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Maybella @15 months...brushing her own teeth!

Maybella loves brushing her own teeth. If she sees any tooth brush she will stick it in her mouth and brush her teeth. She had her 15 month check up today and she was not a happy camper. Everytime the doctor touched her she cried.
These are the things she can do now:
says...hi, bye, apple, up, down, happy, eye, ta ta, da da, mum mum, wa wa, hot, cat, ball, box, thank you, go, open, flower, cup, barney, elmo
....she really tries to say anything you do...
She listens to everything you say...She throws away her own diaper in the trash
She can point to her eyes, nose, ear, head...pat her head, belly button...
Uses cup, spoon, fork independently
she climbs up and down the stairs all by herself
She loves to eat apples...
She has bad temper tantrums which mommy is trying very hard to implement time out and discipline...
The doctor says no more bottles ... and limit her milk consumption... which she drinks 32 oz a day ... so more food less milk...
And she can definitely brush her own teeth
Her hair is growing longer with little curls....

Our little Princess is growing real fast... I think she's ready for school...we just have to start potty training soon!!!

Already Learning How to tam mak hung

She was helping her Nai Nai to make Laos Papaya Salad. Tam Mak Hung
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The Little Princess Maybella

Mataio's Kindergarten Field Day 2010

May 28, 2010

Mataio's new doo..what a handsome boo

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Their First Trip to L'Auberge Du Lac Hotel & Casino

Thanks to Lola and Lolo for inviting the kids to L'Auberge!!! They really loved the pool!!

Shopping with Mommy

Mataio lost his first tooth

Mataio had a loose tooth, so I took him to the dentist and they pulled it out!!! The dentist office also gave Maybella her first toothbrush.

Mommy's 30th Birthday

Maybella 1st birthday cake

Maybella really enjoyed smashing her very own CAKE!!!

Maybella's First Birthday Party! Hula style!!!!

Thank you to all that made her FIRST birthday special for our lil princess. Thank you Mom and Marilee for hosting the party at the apartment. Thank you Jeff for bbq'in the meat outside in the heat. Thank you Spanish bakery for making the best cake ever!!! Thank you everyone for showering Maybella with gifts of love!!! With all the photos and video we took, she will definitely cherish it! Thank you again!!!!

Maybella Laughing on her birthday

Maybella at 11 months..her many smiles

Our Lil Princess loves to smile at the camera. Say "CHEESE" and she will give you a BIG smile with a wrinkle on her button nose...

Mataio's first Kumon award ceremony April 17, 2010

He joined Kumon Cypress in August 2009. When he was 3, we started him with Kumon workbooks. Meed and I believed in the teachings of Kumon. Which consist of repetition. Since Meed is in Iraq and could not work on the work books with him anymore and me being really busy with Maybella, we thought it was best for Mataio to start Kumon classes. We are now able to afford it since he is in public school. Kumon has really made Mataio excel in reading and math. We are so so proud of our Mataio. He will probably continue with Kumon until he graduates.

Mataio's Little League Baseball Pictures

Mataio joined the bear creek little league and he is in the Dodgers Team. He is enjoying the new sport.  He is the only one on the team that hasn't played t-ball or coach's pitch before. He is doing well as a new-be. He has gotten a few hits and runs on bases...We are so proud of him. 

Mataio and Maybella swimming...Our little Water monkeys!!!

Maybella had so much swimming...she loves the water. Mataio loves to swim too. We will give them both swimming lessons soon.

Maybella turned 11 months April 7, 2010