Hello again!

It has been a while...almost a year since I've blogged. Mataio and Maybella are growing so fast. Mataio turned 7 in February! SEVEN!!!?!!?!?! Seriously? I am a mother to a 7 year old? So how old am I? Mataio is growing to be a loving, caring, intelligent, responsible and charming boy. I think it has been hard on him with out his father but he has managed to keep his daddy proud. He is attending grade 1 at Harmony School of Science and has accelerated in reading and math...with the help of Kumon. I love Kumon. I wished they taught Kumon in public schools. Harmony evaluated his reading skills and he is reading at a 2.5 level. Which a second grader plus 6 months in second grade...if that makes any sense. I have bought books for him to read at his level. He is adding by 6 with no help. His subtraction needs some help. Mataio is still showing very good memory. I believe Maybella's memory out does Mataio's. She is about to turn 2 in May and she is speaking in sentences and communicates very well. She is a bundle of joy everyday. She still has her baby moments but she is learning how to control her feelings and communicate like a big girl. She is very talkative and remembers many songs. I love it when she sings itsy bitsy spider "wash the spider out!"She is potty training great. No problems expect the occasional accidents. But I have no problem taking her to the potty! I am so blessed. Two beautiful and smart kids!!! I will post more as soon as i can. xoxo