Maybella is walking @ 10 months and 6 days old....

Today, March 13, 2010, Maybella started walking. She was pulling her self up by 8 1/2 months, walking with holding one of our hands by 9 months, she took a few steps from one object to another and now she is walking 5 and more steps with no help at 10 months. She is really amazing....We were in her room and I was preparing her diaper bag to go to Jeff's place, and she was at the window behind the rocking chair playing with a flower that fell from her curtains and then I was like "Maybella what are you doing?" She got up by pulling her self straight up with the table next to the rocking chair and while I was looking down, from the corner of my eyes I could see her come close to me and she was walking with no help...No help!! SHE WAS WALKING!! She is growing way too fast!!! I wasn't able to record her first steps....=(

However here is what I have of her....

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